Bareboat Sailing Tips & FAQ's


In Croatia you will find best bareboat charter locations in marinas between two largest Dalmatian cities SPLIT and ZADAR from where you can rent well-maintained sailboats and catamarans at affordable price.


Chartering a bereboat means that you ca independently sail and navigate the area where you chartered the vessel. Renting a bareboat is the most affordable and common option of chartering yachts in the Mediterranean allowing full onboard privacy and responsibility for provisioning the yacht, navigation and the safety of people on board.


  • International sailing certificate of competence (ICC) 
  • VHF radio operator license
  • Basic practical maritime knowledge to navigate and maneuver the yacht


  • Fully Equipped Yacht
  • Full fuel and water tanks
  • Handling fees at the check in and check out
  • Transit log & End cleaning
  • Wi-Fi up to 5 GB
  • Fresh Bed linen
  • Gas for cooking
  • Dinghy with outboard engine
  • Diver's Inspection at the check out
  • 24/7 assistance during the charter period


Simply fill in the form below selected yacht charter that suits you needs and send us your inquiry. We will answer as quickly as possible and prepare a suitable offer.

Send us the general inquiry and specify:

  • Departure date
  • Preferable destination in Croatia
  • Yacht type (catamaran or sailboat)
  • Yacht preferences (yacht's age, yacht brand, type of sails, A/C, generator, specific equipment)
  • Special wishes regarding your charter or extras (taxi transfer, yacht deposit insurance, extras aboard, pets, safety net for kids, etc.)

Your booking is confirmed after you sent us the final confirmation and a signed charter contract. Advanced payment of 50% is required within 7 days after confirmation, the balance needs to be settled one month before your charter starts. You will receive the voucher/boarding pass with all the details after the 2nd. payment. 

We advise to first check in this article if your licence suits the requirements for renting a bareboat charter in Croatia


Due to charter conditions (unless is arranged differently in you boarding pass) your check in starts on Saturday from 15:00, disembarkation at the same spot the next Saturday before 09:00. Please notice, that is advisable to appoint your check out time with the charter staff.

It is also expected to return the yacht fully charged with fuel until Friday evening due to underwater inspection.


Deposit is the insurance (assurance), that you will return the yacht back in its previous condition. When you hire a bareboat charter, you also take the responsibility for damages caused during your trip.

The deposit is charged at the embarkation and 100% refundable, if the boat is returned undamaged. The deposit amount is set by the charter policy (depends on the boat length, age and insurance rate) payable by VISA, AMEX, EUROCARD, DINERS or cash).  We can offer a deposit insurance with non-refundable fee (app.10% of the full insurance sum).


Yes. Most of the yacht charters in Croatia approve that option. But please let us know beforehand that you want that option. Deposit insurance is the sum that should cover the damages. And it is non-refundable. The amount depends on the age, the length and the insurance policy of the vessel. Usually the amount is from (150-300€).

Some charters demand also a small refundable part (10%) to cover the damages like fee for unblocking the toilet, lost/damaged dinghy or outboard engine, gross negligence damage, vandalism and if the yacht is nor refueled at the return.


Obligatory extras are additional items that you will be required to pay at the charter office when hiring a yacht. Some of the items you already paid to your charter agency, when you confirmed the booking. However, there are some obligatory extras, that you need to pay at spot like:

- Croatia local tax (1,4€/day/person)

- Deposit (view our section on Deposit). All extras are specified in your charter contract. It is also expected to

- Refuel the yacht before returning to base.


The optional is considered the items that your charter offers extra. It is desired to order your extras beforehand. So that they can be prepared for you at check in. The extras:

  • SUP and various water toys (from 100€/week)
  • Early check in (from 100-150€)
  • Railing net for kids (50-130€)
  • Wi-Fi over 5 GB (app. 20€/week)
  • Provisioning - you can pre-order your food and drinks aboard
  • Taxis and airport-to-marina transfers (app. 30€ one way)
  • Car parking is charged by the valid marina price list. (usually from 6-11€/day)

The extras are charged according to the charter's price list. Some of these items, are offered as a welcome package and are already included.


Croatia weather conditions are pretty much the same as everywhere else in the Mediterranean (Italy, Greece). General weather forecast for the region you are about to visit plays the main role when you are considering of setting the date. If you prefer boiling under the warm sun, swimming in warm sea and light winds, taking a sailing trip in summer is your best decision.

Basically, the temperatures on Adriatic also vary from north to south. In northern parts (Istria, Kvarner) it can be extremely hot during summer months with almost no winds and average 2 or 3 strong thunderstorms a month. More to the south, a passing summer storm is less likely. Plus, there is always constant moderate wind blowing in Dalmatia in July and August.

As the temperatures during the spring rise, so does the sea temperature. In September is quite the opposite; the air can get cooler after a day or two of bora wind, while the sea temperature drop is quite insignificant. Anchoring in a secluded cove is a perfect opportunity to take a dive in a crystal water. It is advised to always check the Croatian maritime meteorological reports for small crafts to avoid unnecessary surprises while sailing.


If you are sensitive to heat, then you should consider taking your trip in April, May, September or October. Air temperature during the daytime in April and May can easily reach over 25 (77F). However, the sea temperature is still a bit cold 15-20 (68F).

Best season to set sails is from the middle of June until middle September. The mercury is at consistent 30 (87F) degrees, often peaking well into the 40's (104F). Pushing towards Autumn, temperatures drop to the mild 25-30 (77-86F). The sea until the end of October can still hold the temperatures high above 20 (70F) degrees.

In the summer months you will most likely have moderate thermic NW maestral winds during the day and light Burin (NE) during the night. Don't mistake Bura with Burin! Although it has the same direction, has a different character.

Convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit with this simple formula:

Degrees Fahrenheit = [°C] × 9 / 5 + 32


The prevailing winds on Adriatic are Jugo (SE), Bora (NE), Maestral(NW), Tramontana (N), Pulenat (W) and Levant (E). In the summer months you will most likely have moderate NW maestral winds during the day and light Burin (NE) during the night. Don't mistaken Bura with Burin! Although same direction, has a completely different character.

A perfect sailing day in summer:

You ususally wake up with a light thermic Burin (NE) blowing from the mainland. As the land cools down in the night, there is always light breeze blowing towards the sea. Expect dead calm air and glassy sea almaost always before noon, which is a great opportunity for a swim. Around noon a light breeze might occur mostly from southern direction, swiftly turning into a moderate NW breeze (12-18 Knots) called the Maestral. Which is the strongest in the late afternoon hours and will completely diminish before dusk.

Maestral wind will always blow as the sun moves during the day, especially when high pressure field is over the Europe. Which is a good prediction for sunny weather for at least 3-4 days ahead.

Always respect the mighty Bora wind!

Croatia weather can be quite tricky though. Mostly due to the closeness of mountain barriers, a light summer NW "Maestral" breeze from the seas, can easily turn into near gale force "Bura" winds from the NE mainland. If "Bura" warning is issued - don't push your luck, there are many sailors that tried, and got "burned". Even though it only happens rarely in summer and more often in September then in June. Please remebmer to monitor the weather warnings to avoid surprices!


Port fees start at 40€/night for a 45 foot boat (8 persons) and it can go up to 120€ in some higher ranked marinas (Split, Hvar, Dubrovnik). Basically the prices depend on the boat length and the quality of marina /port service. ACI marina fee is app. 30% higher then in small ports. Price usually includes fresh water refill, shore power, toilet and bathroom facilities. Buoy charge ranges from 30-40€. Anchoring is free of charge. In our experience, a mixture of above options gives the best balance through the week for most sailors.


We also offer one-way trips on our bareboat charter. One Way options (Split - Dubrovnik & Zadar - Split or vice versa) are available. Please also note, that one way fee is extra 250-350 Euros with re-fueling included. One-Way itineraries do not include port fee at disembarkation. We ask all our passengers to disembark by 11:00 am on Friday, to allow enough time for our skipper to return the yacht back to the base marina.

If you are interested in a one-way trip, please send us ONE WAY INQUIRY


Yes. Although the official check in and check out charter days in Croatia are Sturdays, we've launched a special Wednesday - Wednesday charter program! You get plenty more by coming on Wednesday such as:

  • less crowd at the airports and marinas
  • more space to park your car in the marina
  • a full weekend at sea
  • no queues on gas stations
  • faster check in and check out